Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Ahead Of The Game: My Predictions For The U.S. Economy & Stock Market In the Near Future

I’ll Make this short and sweet. I see a lot of good things happening. I’m betting on the economy bouncing back rather quickly. Many places are starting to return to normal. Restrictions of social distancing is easing. It’s a good time to be in the market for people who are looking for short term gains and long term gains. My reasoning is since the economy was halted abnormally there’s a chance once restarted it may grow abnormally.

In any case people who don’t take risk don’t make money. If you’re going to bet you might as well bet big. That’s just the way I see it.

To begin with I think it was a mistake for anyone to completely exit the market. What they should have did in my opinion is shift their assets. While services and consumerism when down many companies in the medical industry went up. Also for anyone fearing a complete and total crash this issue is easily resolved by having some liquid assets in reserve. It would be possible to make what was lost plus some on the stock market rebound.

When a big event hit markets always think where can I make money? What companies can profit in this situation. Very rarely will everything completely tank. If that were to happen leaving the market would be useless anyway. Only gold, silver, and hard assist would matter. Paper and digital currency would be useless.

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