Economy, Energy

“…Americans are warned to budget for $5-A-GALLON gas as oil prices surge during Russian invasion of Ukraine and US national average rises to $3.61”

“Americans can expect to see gas prices to rise to $5 a gallon in the coming weeks, as the cost of oil continues to rise in the days following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, experts say – and some parts of California already are.

‘We’re getting closer to seeing our first ever major city gas price average reach $5/gal,’ Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, tweeted Monday, as the national average soared to $3.61, which has since spiked to $3.72 as of Thursday.

‘It will happen in the next couple weeks,’ the oil analyst asserted, listing cities hit the hardest by surging oil prices, such as San Francisco, which on Thursday saw its average surpass the $5 mark to hit $5.05 a gallon, and Los Angeles, which reached a similar $5.01…” 

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