
“America’s debt tops $34 trillion, but a commission to address it appears dead in Congress”

“…It’s well past time, the newly elected House speaker said in October, to establish a bipartisan commission to tackle the federal government’s growing $34.6 trillion in debt. “The consequences if we don’t act now are unbearable,” he said, echoing warnings from his predecessor and other House Republicans…”

Listen. They will not act. Well at least not in the way anyone wants. The powers that be have learned, via history, the best way to deal with extreme government debt is inflation. The US dollar will be inflated into oblivion, just like every other currency in history. Why will this happen? Because all other options are more dangerous for the elite. They’re more likely to be hung or face the Guillotine.

That’s what congress will do. Inflation. It’s the only option.

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