

Economy, Energy

Attack On Energy Sector: “Biden administration pauses new liquified natural gas development”

“…LNG is an important fuel source, particularly in Europe. Much of the gas comes from the Texas oil fields. It’s piped to terminals along the Gulf Coast, where it’s liquified and loaded into large ships.

Late last week, however, the Biden administration pulled the industry’s emergency brake. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said her department would temporarily stop approving new LNG exports. Applications for new facilities to liquify natural gas would also be put on pause…”

Why is the government treating states, in this case Texas, like terrorist nations? This is a sanction called by a different name. This is what the U.S. does to rouge nations they’re at war with. They cut off energy and or resources to that nation to destroy it.

People wonder why inflation is so bad well it’s about to get much worse. Energy is the economy. Cutting energy is akin to cutting the economy itself.

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