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Bad Habits Begone! Money Come On!

Do you want to hear something amazing? I can save your life and make you money. I can do that right now for free. That’s right you heard me. Do you smoke? Stop. Lung cancer is a horrible way to die. Also you’ll save buckets of money in the process. You don’t have to take my word for it. Just check out these facts below

393,000 Americans die of smoking-related diseases every year

In certain states, you can spend as much as $5,000 on cigarettes every year

Over your lifetime, smoking can cost you over $2 million

Smoking is responsible for over $96 billion in healthcare expenditures in the United States

In a year, an average smoker earns $3,306 less than a non-smoker

Over 15 years, a smoker will lose more than $105,000

The numbers speak for themselves. Do you drink or worse are you an alcoholic? Guess what? It’s time to stop. Improve your quality of life and save money at the same time?

What about those who don’t have life threatening habits? Do you eat fast food? Not anymore you shouldn’t. The cost of eating out is higher than cooking your own food. It’s healthier and you will save money.

Do you gamble? Stop. Invest instead. Do you envy what other people have? Learn to be content. Don’t try to keep up with the Jones’. Stop competing with them. You’ll probably have more money than they do in the long run following this method.

I know many of these are easier said than done but anyone who wants to be successful must learn self control. This is absolutely necessary. What I’m about to say is extremely important. If you lack self control you will always be broke. I repeat if you lack self control you will always be broke. This is a fact. Even rich people who lack self control go broke. I said all that to say this. Break the bad habits. Break free from the bondage of debt. Break free to financial freedom.

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