
“… BLACKROCK MAKES MASSIVE BETS AGAINST U.S. [Economy]” Alex Jones Show [2/1/25]

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This is important. If the stock market crashes then GME and AMC will Bankrupt Citidel & Bank of America at the very least. This stock squeeze will be massive if this happens. Long story short the powers that be will not come out of this unscathed either.

Furthermore the Trump administration can avoid much of the backlash (of a crashing economy) by simply exposing who crashed it. All the corruption and naked short selling are major factors. Being up front with the public will go a long way — much further than many may think.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: NO BAIL OUTS. ZERO. Do not allow it. The markets will correct and fix themselves much faster this way. Allowing the economy to be held hostage will get no one anywhere. Zombie companies will eventually collapse the economy. It can not be allowed to continue.

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