Business, Economy

“Blackstone, Thomson Reuters Selling $3 Billion of LSE Group Stock”

“A consortium of investors including Blackstone Inc. and Thomson Reuters Corp. are looking to sell £2.4 billion ($3 billion) worth of stock in London Stock Exchange Group Plc, two months after their last disposal of the company’s shares.

The group, which also includes Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and Singaporean sovereign wealth fund GIC, is offering about 28 million shares in the accelerated placement, according to terms seen by Bloomberg. The stock on offer represents a 5.1% stake in the stock exchange…”

In my humble opinion anyone that buys this stock is a moron — A big one at that. First of all blockstone is shady as all get out. If you’re doing business with them expect to be on the losing end. Second of all this has something to do with pensions? No, no, no. Anyone who has been following me should know how I feel about that subject. Pension plans are a bad investment. Government debt is to high. They will not be there when young folks retire in my opinion.

No way on earth I’d touch these stocks with a ten foot pole.

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