Economy, Investing, Stocks

“C.E.O.s Are Anxious About the Economy. That’s Bad for Stocks.”

“…Confidence among chief executives fell to its lowest level in a decade in the third quarter, according to survey data collected by the Conference Board, a nonprofit research group. The last time the survey came close to showing these levels of gloom, businesses were still shedding about 800,000 jobs a month because of the recession…

But waning confidence could mean the drop continues into next year. Goldman Sachs analysts expect buybacks will fall 15 percent in 2019, to a bit more than $700 billion, and then 5 percent in 2020 to $675 billion…”

One of the best times to invest is when everybody is scared. Everyone fears a crash like in the 1930’s or something. If that happens everyone is done for anyway. Considering this fact it’s better just to go all in. That’s just my personal opinion on the matter.

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