Economy, Personal Finance

“Millions of seniors behind on student loans risk losing Social Security…”

“…Why it matters: Seniors are one of the highest risk categories with reports showing nearly 40% of borrowers aged 65 or older in default. Federal programs that claw those funds back mean seniors lose as much as $2,500 in Social Security benefits annually… Catch… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Practicing Vigilance: Shielding Your Finances in Senior Years

Written By: Jillian Day In an era where financial predators constantly devise new schemes, staying onestep ahead is paramount, especially for seniors. Awareness and vigilance areyour armor in this ongoing battle against fraud. Recognizing the importance ofprotecting your financial health… Continue Reading…

Economy, Personal Finance

“The “American Dream” costs far more than most people will earn over their lifetime”

“The “American Dream” costs about $3.4 million to achieve over the course of a lifetime, from getting married to saving for retirement, according to a recent analysis from financial site Investopedia. Meanwhile, median lifetime earnings for the typical U.S. worker stand at $1.7… Continue Reading…

Economy, Personal Finance

“28% of Americans Think They’ll Be Stuck Having to Live Frugally in Retirement…”

“…As such, it’s not that surprising to learn that 28% of workers today think they’ll have no choice but to live frugally as retirees, according to data from Natixis…” Listen, if you are a millennial do not expect social security to… Continue Reading…

Business, Personal Finance

“BlackRock Says Private Debt Will Double to $3.5 Trillion by 2028”

“BlackRock Inc. predicts that the global private debt market will roughly double to $3.5 trillion by 2028, one of the most bullish calls to date on the growth of the industry… BlackRock said it expects private debt to grow at… Continue Reading…

Economy, Personal Finance

“Only 19% of Americans increased their emergency savings in 2023. ‘That puts households in a bind,’ expert says”

“Largely due to high inflation and rising interest rates, 81% of adults said they did not contribute to their emergency savings this year, and 60% also said they feel behind when it comes to building a cash cushion, according to a new Bankrate report…”… Continue Reading…

Economy, Personal Finance

“50% of Americans Can’t Afford Their Lifestyle in Retirement: How to Avoid That Fate”

“…The CRR’s findings are stark. Fully half of the nation’s working-age households will not have enough money to maintain their standard of living once in retirement. Making matters worse, this study assumes a strong working and saving life in which… Continue Reading…

Economy, Personal Finance

“52% of Americans say they need to earn at least $100,000 a year to be financially comfortable”

“… Nearly 1 in 3 say a salary between $50,000 and $99,999 would suffice, the survey of over 4,300 adults found. Still, 52% of Americans say they would require at least $100,000 a year to be financially comfortable, with 26% saying… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance

“46% of 401(k) investors are clueless about their investments…”

“Almost half — 46% — of 401(k) investors don’t know what investments are in their workplace retirement plan, according to a new CNBC Your Money Survey, conducted by SurveyMonkey… Almost 59% of employers sponsoring a 401(k) plan used auto-enrollment in 2021, up… Continue Reading…

Banking, Economy, Personal Finance

“U.S. Credit-Card Balances Soar 16% to Pass $1 Trillion for 1st Time” This article is behind a pay wall but I want to comment on something. Now is the worst time ever to have bad debt. This is prime time to pay debt off. Keep some reserves. The biggest investment opportunity… Continue Reading…