
“China’s Debt-to-GDP Ratio Rises to Record 279.7% on Credit Boom”

“…The macro leverage ratio — or total debt as a percentage of gross domestic product — soared to 279.7% in the first quarter, according to central bank and statistics bureau data compiled by Bloomberg. That was an increase of 7.7 percentage points from the previous quarter, the biggest jump in three years.

The debt ratio held by non-financial corporates rose 5.8 percentage points. Leverage ratios for the household and government sectors were each up by around 1 percentage point…

  • Leverage ratio for non-financial sectors rose to 165.7% vs 159.9% in the previous quarter
  • Leverage ratio for household sector rose to 63.3% vs 62.2% in the previous quarter
  • Leverage ratio for government sector rose to 50.7% vs 49.9% in the previous quarter

Note 1: Loans to households are consumer and operating loans.

Note 2: Loans to non-financial sector include corporate bonds, entrusted loans, trust loans, undiscounted bank acceptance bills and overseas loans, but excluding loans to local government financing vehicles…”

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