


“Companies added better than expected 749,000 jobs amid jump in construction, hospitality, ADP says”

“The firm’s monthly private-sector jobs count showed growth of 749,000, ahead of the 600,000 expected from a Dow Jones economist survey…

The ADP results are “incrementally positive” for the jobs outlook, said Goldman Sachs, which estimates nonfarm payroll growth of 1.1 million. For September, ADP found that manufacturing added 130,000 jobs. The only sector to grow more was trade, transportation and utilities, which grew by 186,000…

Professional and business services were up 78,000, while construction also had a solid month, adding 60,000 positions. Companies with more than 500 employees created the most jobs, with 297,000, while small businesses with fewer than 50 workers lagged with 192,000…”

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