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Deciding On A Side Hustle: How To Find Your Passion

Every now and then I talk to people from time to time about jobs or carriers in general. During these conversations one of two topics almost always emerges. Either they don’t like their job or they wish it paid more. It’s at this point when I usually recommend the idea of starting a side hustle. That means starting your own business, service or finding ways to generate revenue yourself. Sometimes when I ask “Why don’t you start a side hustle?” I get “I don’t know what I like” or “I don’t know how to start one” as a response.

Well for the people out there that need help hopefully this article will help you out. For the first question which is I don’t know what side hustle to pick… Lets make the question a little easier. Lets start with what do you like to do. For people starting side hustles its important to know what your passions are. Why? Because if it’s something you enjoy you’re less likely to quit. This increases your chances of success with your side hustle.

I had this funny conversation once where a guy said “Well what if the person likes sleeping? What would he do?” You know what I said? Sell mattresses. If you like to sleep you’re going to be an expert on how to get the best quality of sleep. You will know what provides the most comfort. Your recommendations on anything sleep related will be extremely creditable because you know what you’re talking about and you’re speaking from experience. Needless to say he was kind of shocked. He didn’t think about it that way.

I digressed to a random sleep conversation to say this. It literally does not matter what your passion is. If it’s something people like to do there’s probably a job for it. If not then make one because people will pay for that service. What about people who say they have no passion? I doubt there’s someone in existence that has no interest but lets humor that question. If a person has no passion, and can’t find one for what ever reason, they should pick something they’re good at. Also make sure its something you don’t hate. Some people are good at things they don’t like which is why I say that.

I’ll use my self as an example. I have a good many hobbies I could be passionate about. I picked the stock market and personal finance as my side hustle even though that’s not my passion. I’ve always been good with money and more importantly I wanted to pick a time saving side hustle. I’ve always planned to get into stocks. The way I saw it was if I’m going to do it anyway why not save time? Normally, if this wasn’t my side hustle, I have my main job, my side hustle, and then I’d have to manage stocks on top of that. So instead of 3 things I must do I have two.

There’s multiple ways to pick you’re side hustle is what I’m saying. It could be a hobby, it could be your passion, or it can be a time saver like it is for me.

For the second question which is how do it start? Just start. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes. The main thing is getting started. I only knew a few basic things when I got into the stock market. Yes, having a plan to begin with helps but don’t let that stop you. Also let me say this. I heard it takes on average about 6 months for startup businesses to become profitable. If you don’t make money in your first 6 months don’t let that discourage you.

Also for your own sake start small. If you don’t have much money it’s probably not a good idea to pump your startup business full of cash. There’s a good chance you’re going to make mistakes or lose money to begin with. Throwing money at your side hustle won’t always solve the problem. It can help. It can help a lot but it can also make you broke in a hurry. Start small, profit, then expand. If you don’t do that at the very least get some experience under your belt. Then you can decide to dump buckets of cash or go into debt.

A lot of people reading this may think some of these things seem obvious. They may be for some but for people who don’t know it’ll save them much pain and heartache. That’s all I have for now. Until next time lets make money together.

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