“European military powers work on 5-10 year plan to replace US in Nato”
March 24, 2025
“Europe’s biggest military powers are drawing up plans to take on greater responsibilities for the continent’s defence from the US, including a pitch to the Trump administration for a managed transfer over the next five to 10 years.
The discussions are an attempt to avoid the chaos of a unilateral US withdrawal from Nato, a fear sparked by President Donald Trump’s repeated threats to weaken or walk away from the transatlantic alliance that has protected Europe for almost eight decades…
The US, which spends more on defence than all other Nato allies combined, is indispensable to European security… Some capitals were unwilling to engage in the burden-shifting talks for fear of encouraging the US to move faster, officials said, in the belief that — despite the rhetoric — Trump does not intend to make significant changes to the country’s presence in Europe. Others are sceptical that his administration would even agree to a structured process given its unpredictable nature…”
The U.S. needs to leave N.A.T.O. We don’t need a leach sucking us dry. The sooner we leave the better. No delays. No excuses.