
Financial Terrorist Activate: “RoaringKitty (Keith Gill) JUST SUED for Securities Fraud”

This is really important so I’m going to keep this short and sweet. First of all the person suing should be investigated to see if he is involved with any hedge funds or banks. nobody who invested $1000. Is going to have the money to fight a long term legal battle with a millionaire.

Second: What ever the ruling ALL GME shareholders should sue everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, that does something similar to the potential ruling against Roaring Kitty.

Third: The process is the punishment. I can’t think of the legal term at the moment but this is basically a dragnet. Search for any possible crime then prosecute when found. This is basically financial terrorism. The threat being: “stop trading or else.”

The real goal is to stop Roaring kitty from trading in my opinion. Lawsuits will suck liquidity from Roaring kitty affecting his trades at the very least. At most some “crime” will be found and he’d barred from trading forever. This is a threat to ALL retail investors.

The powers that be THINK this will stop GME momentum. That’s why they’re doing it. In my opinion the only way to stop this kind of financial terrorism outside of court is for the stock affected, GME, to skyrocket beyond belief. If the the system comes to the understanding the more they prosecute Roaring Kitty the more GME will increase they’ll stop. They will be forced to because it’ll cause to much damage to the system itself.

The system is corrupt people. This is the most important thing to understand. If the system wanted to act in good faith they’d dismiss this case WHICH THEY WILL NOT DO. Just watch.

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