
“Food as You Know It Is About to Change”

“It can be tempting, in an age of apocalyptic imagination, to picture the most dire future climate scenarios: not just yield declines but mass crop failures, not just price spikes but food shortages, not just worsening hunger but mass famine. In a much hotter world, those will indeed become likelier, particularly if agricultural innovation fails to keep pace with climate change; over a 30-year time horizon, the insurer Lloyd’s recently estimated a 50 percent chance of what it called a “major” global food shock…

Mr. Barrett sees plenty of promise on the horizon now, too: biofortified crops; new techniques to fix nitrogen from the air, limiting the use of fossil-fuel based fertilizer; resilient varieties, like flood-resistant rice, that are already transforming the paddies of South Asia. But there’s no magic-bullet solution, he says: We need a bundle of innovations and interventions…”

The Climate change theory is a scam. The Sun has the most impact on this earth not humans. Also nobody wants GMO crops. Calling it “Biofortified” will not fool anyone. These “crops” do more harm than good. The amount to what people should call poison. Just like artificial preservatives and processed foods they’re overall bad for health.

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