
“Green transition won’t be perfect and we’ll need natural gas, World Energy Council CEO says”

“…“We need to get electrification going faster,” said Angela Wilkinson, the secretary general and CEO of the London-based World Energy Council.

“We want it to be more renewable-powered electrification,” she added, before acknowledging that a huge amount of work will be needed…”

These people are so stupid its dangerous. It requires more coal, not less, to use electric energy sources. These people are lying when they say “green energy.” It’s not green. Furthermore the energy can not be transferred long distances. While traveling through wires and such the energy is lost over time. These people are lying to you and if their ideas are successful those dumb ideas will kill you.

The goal of technology is to be more efficient not less. Green energy is less efficient than fossil fuels. Do you like rolling blackouts? Do you want to live in the stone age? That’s whats coming if we “transition” to this so called green energy.

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