
“Holiday crowds at the mall will be smaller this year: ShopperTrak predicts as much as 25% drop in shoppers”

“Black Friday might be losing its clout. But it is still expected to be the busiest day in stores during the 2020 holiday shopping season, according to a new report… Traffic in retail stores is expected to be down 22% to 25% year over year during the six key weeks of the holiday season, a ShopperTrak forecast released Tuesday said. 

The predicted 10 busiest days, listed below, are expected to account for just 34.2% of all holiday traffic, compared with 46.5% a year ago, ShopperTrak said. “All of these days are going to take hits,” Field said…”

Shopping malls have been trending downward for a while now. By while I mean years. Online shopping appears to be taking its place. I don’t think they will completely faze out but they will most certainly continue to shrink in size and popularity for years to come. There may be some upside every here and there but overall Shopping malls are going to trend downward.

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