Personal Finance

“How making $300,000 in San Francisco can still mean you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck”

“With the median price of a home in the U.S. at $300,000, you can can achieve homeownership and the idealized middle-class lifestyle in most parts of the country making a salary just under or above six figures. In San Francisco’s land of $2 million fixer-uppers, the income needed to reach this status is obviously more. But how much more?

S.F.-based finance expert Sam Dogen pinned that number at $300,000, after surveying dozens of readers on his Financial Samurai blog and asking about their incomes and expenses living in the notoriously high-priced coastal cities…”

If it costs that much they shouldn’t be living there. Becoming financially successful isn’t about having a lot of zeros on your paycheck. It’s about saving as much of that paycheck as possible no matter how big it is. If you’re in San Francisco leave. There’s no other way to put it. It’s to expensive for the most part. If you decide to stay you better be above water. Way above water.

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