

Business, Economy

“How ‘quiet quitting’ became the next phase of the Great Resignation”

“The trend of employees choosing to not go above and beyond their jobs in ways that include refusing to answer emails during evenings or weekends, or skipping extra assignments that fall outside their core duties, is catching on, especially among Gen Zers…

“You are still performing your duties, but you are no longer subscribing to the hustle culture mentally that work has to be our life,” Khan says in his video. “The reality is, it’s not, and your worth as a person is not defined by your labor.”…”

Oh you mean the trend of not being misused and abused? Those days are gone; long gone. Very few people live to work. Most work to live. If these companies want extra they need to pay extra. This is why I say start a side hustle. The ability to walk off a job at will is extremely valuable. Also there’s something to fall back on if a persons job is lost for reasons beyond their control.

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