
“How sanctions on Russian energy exports could work”

“…The ideal goal would be to lower Russian revenues while minimising the impact on oil flows. Two solutions could achieve this. The first one would be for the EU to impose price caps on Russian crude and oil products that are low enough to constrain investments in the military, but high enough to encourage Russia to maintain production and sell to European buyers — maybe around $50 per barrel. A similar effect could be achieved by a high European tax on Russian oil as advised by economist Ricardo Hausmann. The reduced competition for Russian energy would encourage Asian buyers to seek discounts as well…”

This is not going to work. Why? Have you ever heard of B.R.I.C.K.S. (Stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, & South Africa.) That has nothing to do with either the U.S. or Europe. Russia will sell to them. Long story short sanctions only hurt America and Europe. A better idea is to stop shutting down pipelines across the globe, repoen them plus new ones, and actually produce cheap energy.

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