“How to achieve financial freedom and pay off debt, according to a financial expert who paid off $87,000”
September 4, 2020
“Debt can be overwhelming, especially if it’s in the double or triple-digits. Just ask Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche who had around $300,000 in debt after the last recession…
“Focus on that credit card debt. That’s the one that’s costing you an arm, a leg, a toe and a foot,” Aliche says… There are numerous ways to pay off debt, yet no one-size-fits-all answer. Here are a few options that may be right for you…
There are numerous ways to pay off debt, yet no one-size-fits-all answer. Here are a few options that may be right for you…
Use a balance transfer credit card…
Consolidate debt with a personal loan…
Borrow money from family…
Consider new ways to make money…”
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