
“How to walk out of the grocery store with a smaller bill”

“1. Plan ahead…

2. Compare costs…

3. Stock up on staples…

4. Pick wisely…”

For this article I skipped all the filler and just highlighted the main points. The most effective way to lower your food cost was not listed. The best way is to grow your own food. Even if you live in the city you can grow a couple of things in your home. If more people start growing their own food that will lower the cost of food for everyone.

Also here’s another way but its more of a long term and a collective thing. Buy from mom and pop shops. Yea prices will be higher at first but eventually they will up production as their business grow. Long term buying local will fix the supply chain issues. Stop buying from companies that get everything from overseas just because you save a couple of dollars. This benefits everyone locally in the long run.

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