
“‘I am truly sorry’: Credit Suisse chair pleads with angry shareholders at annual meeting”

Credit Suisse Chairman Axel Lehmann on Tuesday told shareholders he was “truly sorry” for the collapse that led to the bank’s controversial takeover by UBS

A police presence was established early Tuesday at the venue, as protesters and shareholders began arriving in droves, hoping for answers and accountability following the demise of the 167-year-old Swiss institution. Swiss authorities brokered an emergency rescue of the stricken bank by its larger domestic rival for just 3 billion Swiss francs, over the course of a weekend in late March.

It followed a collapse in Credit Suisse’s deposits and share price amid fears of a global banking crisis, but the deal remains mired in legal and logistical challenges. Neither UBS nor Credit Suisse shareholders were allowed a vote on the deal…”

You’re a fool if you invest in big banks. They do this garbage all the time. They gamble with shareholder and user money then expect a bailout. Avoid them like the plague.

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