
“Just 4% of current retirees say they are ‘living the dream,’ survey finds. Here’s why”

“Just 4% of today’s retirees said they are “living the dream,” according to a new survey from asset management company Schroders. And just as many — 4% — said they are “living the nightmare.”

Most of the respondents fall somewhere in between — 44% said they are comfortable; 34% said they are not great, but not bad; and 15% said they are struggling, according to the rounded results…”

This poll is most likely skewed. Why do I say that? More than likely this poll was conducted via phone or email. People “living a nightmare” may not have a phone and they sure as hell wont have internet access. Also even if this poll was surveyed IRL (in real life) you think they went to the slums to ask these questions? No, they’d be robbed.

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