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Make It Rain! How To Pump And Dump Like A Pro.

Let me give fair warning for anyone that will take this advice. This is one of the strategies I will be using in the future but some of my evidence will be based on speculation, gut feeling, and intuition. I’ve tested this more than once so at this point I can only assume my conclusion to be true or at least pointed in that direction. Basically what I’m saying is use this strategy at your own risk.

First thing’s first. I guess I should show proof of concept.

In the picture above you only see the total amount. I invested 1,000 and made over 250 in one day. That’s pretty good for a test run I guess. I’m not just blowing smoke when I say I have a strategy. When I say such a thing I actually have one and I’ve used it.

How did I do it? Lets start from the beginning. What’s a “pump and dump” when referring to stock. Basically it’s buying a large amount of a stock at a low price and selling it at a higher price; preferably as quickly as possible.

Getting started is the hardest part. In order to pump and dump you need to find or know of a stock that’s going to rise in price. How can you find that stock? Well there’s at least four ways to do this. 1. Gut feeling. 2. Hot lead (this is a sales term) 3. Research Stocks to find one suitable for the task. (This I highly recommend) 4. Receive insider information (this is not recommended for obvious reasons like prison.)

For the Example I’m about to show you I had a Gut feeling and I did research on top of that. That’s why I was confident this stock below was going to rise.

In the picture above I have the data for that stock displayed for the entire week. Why because it’s extremely important what I’m about to say. If you want to pump and dump you have to catch the stock before the wave. Meaning you have to buy stock before it spikes. You can clearly see in the picture above The stock shoots straight up at one point. If you ever see a stock shooting straight up it is most likely to late to profit off that stock. I bought the stock before the spike. Those who bought it after the spike lost money.

Once again how did I know it was going to spike? Gut feeling and research. What kind of research? It’s nothing special. Just use a search engine. There is no trick to research.

Ok so that covers the “pump” part. Now for the “dump”

This is data from today. This is when the dump happened. Now to explain this I have to give a little backstory. This company had a major meeting today. Why is that important? It was already in the news this company was going to give a good report. Based on that knowledge logic should dictate this stock rises the entire day. Why did it fall before and after a major presentation when there was great news? This is my speculation but I believe pump and dumps happen before the general public receives information. There is absolutely no reason for this stock to have a downward trend, in my opinion, unless somebody is selling a massive amount of stock to “late comers.” Actually they’re not “late comers”. They’re on time but apparently it’s to late to act on information once revealed to the general public.

It’s impossible to predict a pump and dumb but I can tell you the time one is most likely to happen. If a pump and dump happens one of the times it will happen is right before important information is revealed to the public.

One last thing. Don’t expect for a stock to double plateau. Once a stock plateaus sell it immediately. If you don’t your chances of losing money is very high. Really I should have sold my stock in the second picture. I would’ve made more money. I’m not just saying that because of hindsight. I’m saying it because that’s when the stock first plateaued. I held the stock longer than I should have because I was testing some of my theories.

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