
“Market Analysts see Actinium Pharmaceuticals Inc. [ATNM] gaining to $2.75. Time to buy?”

“Positions in Actinium Pharmaceuticals Inc. stocks held by institutional investors increased at the end of May and at the time of the May reporting period, where 14 institutional holders increased their position in Actinium Pharmaceuticals Inc. [AMEX:ATNM] by around 1,793,626 shares. Additionally, 16 investors decreased positions by around 4,580,690 shares, while 18 investors held positions by with 4,740,666 shares. The mentioned changes placed institutional holdings at 11,114,982 shares, according to the latest SEC report filing. ATNM stock had 5 new institutional investments in for a total of 402,978 shares, while 6 institutional investors sold positions of 859,945 shares during the same period…”

Now you know what the big players are up to. It’s time to pick a side. Are you in or are you out? Its game time!

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