


“McKinsey Sees AI Adding Up to $340 Billion to Wall Street Profit”

“Banks using generative artificial intelligence tools could boost their earnings by as much as $340 billion annually through increased productivity, according to consultants hoping to help the industry adapt in this fast-moving area…

Tools like this could eventually take over repetitive tasks from most human workers, according to McKinsey’s research on 63 use cases across industries. While the initial efficiencies are set to be within companies — and the timeframe for adoption is unclear — the finance sector can expect the AI shift in the future “to be a lot more on the customer facing side,” McKinsey senior partner Gokhan Sari said in an interview…”

This is not good in my opinion. Automated messaging and that type of thing is mad annoying. Any institution that tries to completely or severely remove humans from the equation should be avoided like the plague. If I were a betting man I would bet customer service will fall as more AI is implemented.

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