
“More than 1,000 businesses worldwide were hit by this weekend’s ransomware attack”

“A massive cyberattack timed to coincide with the US July 4 holiday weekend has locked up the IT systems of “well over 1,000 businesses” across the world, according to the US cybersecurity firm Huntress Labs. Experts say the breach could turn out to be the largest ransomware attack ever.

The Kaseya breach spreads globally

It all started with a Miami, Florida-based IT services company called Kaseya, which provides security software for scores of large-scale cybersecurity contractors, which in turn sell their security services to thousands of businesses worldwide. After hackers breached Kaseya’s servers on Friday (July 2), they were able to quickly leap into at least 40 cybersecurity contractors’ systems. From there, they infected hundreds of businesses with ransomware over the weekend…”

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