Economy, Personal Finance

“One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds”

“More than a third of Americans earning at least $250,000 annually say they are living paycheck to paycheck, underscoring how inflation is taking a bigger bite out of Americans’ budgets at all ends of the pay spectrum.

Some 36% of households taking in nearly four times the median US salary devote nearly all of their income to household expenses, according to a survey by industry publication and LendingClub Corp.

It’s particularly true among millennials, who are now in their mid-20s to early 40s: More than half of top earners in that generation report having little left at the end of the month…”

What I’m about to say is extremely important. How much money you make does not matter if you can’t save any. How much money you save is way more important than how much money you make. Live below your means. Stop trying to keep up with the Jones’ down the street. Also move out of these expensive cities. Making 250K they can easily move. They may take a pay cut after moving but moving itself would be easy. Also, more importantly the cost of living would be lower.

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