

Predictions, Opinions, & Comments, Stocks

Proven: How To Make $2,000 In One Day

Some of you may have noticed I haven’t said much lately. That’s because when possible I like to let my results speak for me. Getting down to business how can anyone make 2,000 dollars in a day? Well it’s possible in the stock market. I know because I just did it.

So how exactly did I do this? Research. I can not stress this enough. Knowledge is power. Some of you may be saying that’s a very vague description of what I did. It’s not a vague description. I want everyone reading to remember to all those middle / high school projects and reports they (should have) did growing up. Remember when your teachers said you have to do your own research on those projects? That should have taught everyone paying attention how to research.

Apply that knowledge here in the stock market. Make money. It’s that simple. The only hard part is there’s no shortcut to doing research. Find information. After you find creditable information act on it. I can’t tell any of you “Look in “X” spot or website and you’ll find the answer.” The information is spread out. Long story short if you want to make money in the stock market learn how to research.

Research is like the beans and cornbread of making money. You might get tired of it but it keeps you alive. Remember that. Outside of that the only other specifics I can give you is. 1: I day trade. and 2: If you want to know which stock I traded on it was Nobilis.

What other tips can I offer? Get to know the market. That means trade often. Just make sure to use some self control. Anyone with a gambling mentality will surly lose money.

One comment on “Proven: How To Make $2,000 In One Day

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