Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

[Recap] Navigating Disaster: What To Do, How To Survive & How To Thrive In This Economy

Some people may not have noticed the important of some of the things I said in previous articles. Sometimes I say things casually without stressing the importance of it. This article what you’re reading right now is extremely important. Here’s some of the more important things I’ve said.

“I’m going to get pretty specific with this rundown of stocks to watch but I’ll keep this short. Getting straight to the point the general areas of stocks you should be watching in my opinion are:

Long term

1.) Insurance stocks dealing with death claims [high risk I forgot to add this part in brackets]

2.)Medical stocks dealing with either the respiratory system or even better T-cells…

Short Term [6 months or less]

1.) Agriculture stocks dealing with grain or wheat.

2.) Agriculture stocks producing meat

These short term stocks could become long term depending on how bad food shortages become.

As far as other stocks are concerned the war in Ukraine is driving oil at the moment. Oil and gas is linked to that for the time being. After conflict ends prices will probably drop for a while but the biggest problem with gas is not the war. It’s shutdown of pipelines across the globe…”

Going Forward What Stocks Should You Watch [3/15/22]

“…Due to the supply chain breakdown, covid lockdowns, and the war in Ukraine, food shortages are on the horizon. It’s in our near future and yet food is being destroyed. Regardless of the reason the world needs more food right now not less.”

“570K chickens to be destroyed in Nebraska fight against bird flu”

“I got some important things to say. 1.) Fertilizer and grain are being cut off. This highly limits growing food and the feed farm animals need to survive. 2.) The economy is driven by energy. Cheap energy means cheap prices. Expensive energy means expensive prices. 3.) The reason energy prices are increase is artificial. It’s being increased on purpose. Energy across the world is being cutoff.”

“Oil Price Rise ‘Trickles Down to Everything,’ Even Your Potato Salad to Go”

“… This article goes on to take about 401k’s. How many times have I told my audience not to invest in such things? Let me tell you a secret. The pensions and 401k’s in Europe are insolvent. All of them are. You’re better off setting your money on fire than putting it in a pension or 401k. At least the fire will keep you warm.”

“Higher-income Americans are getting nervous about the economy”

“Everyone reading this please listen to me. Financially this is the most important thing you will ever do if you haven’t done it. If you do not have a business or a side hustle start one now! Stop reading this and start a business right now…

What are you going to do if the economy tanks? Beg for none existent jobs? No, you need to be in a position where you have some control over your destiny. Also in the future there will be major opportunities for small business owners. How do I know? The supply chain breakdown is going to cause a huge surge in demand for products. This is no joke I’m telling you how you can possibly become the next billionaire...”

Now Is The Time To Make The Most Important Business Decision You Will EVER make Financially [Start A Business]

“What should you do? First and foremost if you live in a major city right now you’re crazy. Get out now… Second, store some food. If the store runs out what are you going to do? Everyone should remember what happened with toilet paper not to long ago. Imagine if that was food in general. It would be total chaos. Also if you have a yard you need to start a garden...

As for the investing side of things precious metals, commodities and probably cryptocurrency will preform well. Some experts are saying real estate will collapse with the stock market as well so if you’re in real estate be aware of that. It most certainly will drop in cities because if people are not leaving now, which they are, they will leave in droves later. That means the price of real estate in cities will drop at the very least…”

What To Do BEFORE The Economy Crashes: Preemptive Measures

This information I’m giving you is a mix of my personal opinion and experts I agree with after reading their articles or hearing what they have to say.

Also I want to add this. I thought I said it before but I’ll say it again here. If the stock market crashes you want to have some money set back for it. Buy up stocks for pennies on the dollar after the crash. This is how the rich get richer. They buy during recessions & depressions. Think of it as a huge discount sale.

Listen, do yourself a favor and follow this advice. You can ignore it if you want. I’m not going to complain. My bank account is increasing not decreasing. To be honest I could charge people for the information I just gave everyone. Use it wisely. No matter your financial situation be it good or bad this will help you.

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