“Recession risks rise for all three North American economies over US tariff chaos”
March 10, 2025
“Risks to the Mexican, Canadian and American economies are piling up amid a chaotic implementation of U.S. tariffs that has created deep uncertainties for businesses and decision-makers, according to Reuters polls of economists taken this week…
“Given this is so uncertain and that there are new announcements every hour or so, it’s kind of unclear what the environment is going to look like. It’s hard to deny the risk of a recession has intensified,” said Jonathan Millar, senior U.S. economist at Barclays in New York…
“The ongoing economic slowdown, as well as the uncertainty that persists for investors as long as Donald Trump remains in office, will continue to weigh on growth in Mexico,” noted analysts at Invex, an investment firm in Mexico City…”
Good lord almighty these people lie so much. Tariffs are proven by history. It was the United States primary source of income before income tax. It was one of the main reasons we became the richest country in the world and became a economic power house.
This shift back to tariffs is the absolute best thing the President could do. One of the biggest mistakes the U.S. ever made was outsourcing production for cheap labor. Tariffs will fix that. Higher quality products cost more. That means employees can be paid more. It’s ridiculous I have to explain this. People buy slave products from places like Walmart and wonder why jobs don’t provide a liable wage. If a person is working for 25 cents a hour and you do the same job for $25 guess who employers will hire? Guess who product will be bought?
Also going back to the article above tariffs will not cause a recession. Let me lay this out clearly so everyone understands once and for all:
1.) Small American businesses will fill the gap of high price foreign products. Their production and profits will increase. More people will be hired and since slave wages will be offset by tariffs employees will be paid more as well.
2.) Saying Tariffs is a tax on Americans is a half truth. A half truth is a full lie. Tariffs do not affect American made products. Buy American equals no tariff; no tax.
3.) The claim that Tariffs drives up prices is also a half truth. This is a temporary result because America outsourced it’s production which was an horrible idea. Long term products become more affordable. Affordability is more important than price. Technically yes the prices will be “higher” but they will be more affordable. How? Review bullet point #1 above.
Its amazing how I’m here telling everyone what is going to happen before it does and guess what? When this happens everyone will act like they had no idea.