
Say No To Mask Mandates and Returning government lockdowns.

Ok It seems like a problem is arising that will severely harm all of us. This must be stopped ahead of time. I’m going to make it my mission to make sure this garbage never happens again. Our country can’t survive like this. All the cowards can isolate themselves until they starve to death if they are that afraid of viruses.

The economy can not be brought to a halt because of idiots. They are a danger to no only themselves but the entire country as a whole. Lockdowns cause starvation in the 3rd world and it causes supply chain breakdowns here. That will eventually cause total economic collapse. Say no to lockdowns unless you want to live in a pre-industrial world. Do any of you really want to live in the 1400’s? No running water, no electricity, little to no supply of food, and high death rates do to lack of sanitation — Does anyone think that’s a good time to go back to?

The mandates and lockdowns must be stopped at all cost.

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