
“Self-made millionaire Bethenny Frankel’s top career advice: Focus on ‘working hard’ in your 20s…”

“Self-made millionaire Bethenny Frankel has one word of advice for 20-somethings: Work….Frankel hustled through her own 20s as a production assistant on the TV show “Saved by the Bell,” before starting an event-planning business called In Any Event, which quickly fizzled. In her 30s, while starring on the hit reality TV show “The Real Housewives of New York City,” she launched Skinnygirl Liquor, which she eventually grew into a global brand…” 

This is good advice for a man. It’s horrible advice for a woman. Women marry up. Men marry down. By default their position in life should be good, easy, or better because of this. This advice, in the article above, will dramatically increases the changes of women being alone for the rest of their life. Just in case women did not know men like young women. Good luck with marriage after your fertility is close to being dried up. If you’re a woman do not listen to this advice. You might, key word might, become rich but you will be alone and miserable because your biology compels you to build a family not a business.

If you’re a woman and you really want to be successful marry early and pick the most successful man you can find. Don’t be foolish and find out the hard way what I’m saying is correct. You will regret it.

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