
“Shipping Containers That Spent Weeks Aboard Ships Stuck At Ports Now Being Dumped In Nearby Neighborhoods”

“With the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach now running 24/7 operations, a new problem has occurred. Many of the shipping containers that spent weeks onboard ships waiting to be unloaded are now being dumped in nearby neighborhoods once they’re emptied…

“Right now with the ports and everything that’s going on over there, we’re stuck with the containers, having to bring them all to the yard, and we only have so much space,” said UCTI Trucking owner Frank Arrieran.

“They’re sitting in the street for like 15, 20 minutes,” Cervantes said. “Sometimes they just unload the trailer in the street with no front part of it, and they just leave it there.”…”

This just goes to show the supply chain breakdown is only going to get worse. If you have a business don’t depend on shipments from overseas be it plane or ship. Create and sell all your products locally.

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