
“‘Social Order Could Collapse’ in AI Era, Two Top Japan Companies Say”

“TOKYO—Japan’s largest telecommunications company and the country’s biggest newspaper called for speedy legislation to restrain generative artificial intelligence, saying democracy and social order could collapse if AI is left unchecked.

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, or NTT, and Yomiuri Shimbun Group Holdings made the proposal in an AI manifesto to be released Monday. Combined with a law passed in March by the European Parliament restricting some uses of AI, the manifesto points to rising concern among American allies about the AI programs U.S.-based companies have been at the forefront of developing…”

Some of you may be asking why is this article here on a financial blog. My question back is what happens to the economy if this happens. It wont be good that’s for sure. More than likely a crash of epic proportions.

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