

Predictions, Opinions, & Comments, Stocks

Stock Market Dos & Don’ts Example 1: Never Do This.

Ignore the name of the stock it doesn’t matter. The stock itself isn’t whats bad. The lack of volatility is what’s bad. What matters is the stock has flat lined. If you ever see a stock hover around the same price for a long time do not invest in it. If you are invested in it get out as soon as possible. A stagnant stock is a dead stock.

Now if you want your portfolio to suffer a 30% to 70% loss in a particular stock then by all means invest.

One comment on “Stock Market Dos & Don’ts Example 1: Never Do This.


By the way, I didn’t have to learn this lesson the hard way. I already knew this. This is a lesson you never wan’t to learn by personal experience.

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