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Stocks: Short Selling Tip

I never thought about short selling in this way because I don’t short sell. This idea just hit me which seems so obvious that everybody that uses it will benefit when short selling. You know all those “bad companies” that maybe people online or analyst say to avoid? Those companies are your best friends if you’re looking to short sell.

Also this is a really quick way to make money off short selling. This is a fact I’ve seen based off my experience in the stock market. I can’t speak for normal stock but for penny stock the vast majority of the time immediately after a reverse stock split stock prices drop. What you want to do is buy the stock to short sell as soon as the reverse stock split is completed and sell at the end of the day. (or if you start to see an uptick) To be honest I can not recall a time a stock actually increased directly after a reverse stock split.

These two tips are sure fire ways to make money. All you short sellers better jump on this. Who else is going to tell you this type of information and at no cost none the less? Only will. Count your lucky stars if you’ve discovered my website. This type of information is a gift from Valhalla not many people if any at all are willing to spread.

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