
“Supply chain pressures have ‘eased significantly’ and inflation could be next: Morning Brief”

“…Earlier in June, we learned manufacturers’ delivery times in the New York Fed and Philadelphia Fed’s regions had gotten significantly shorter during the month.

Since then, we’ve learned from the Kansas City Fed and Richmond Fed that delivery times also improved in their regions. However, delivery times got worse in the Dallas Fed’s region…

“June’s surveys of five of the 12 district Federal Reserve Banks strongly suggest that supply-chain disruptions have eased significantly in recent months,“ Yardeni wrote on LinkedIn.

This is a big deal, because supplier delivery times have a relatively tight relationship with inflation rates…”

That sounds all well and dandy until the food shortage hits. Supply chain breakdowns have already done their damage. Less food means less Ethanol. It’s used for gas. Supply chain problems are going to get worse before they get better.

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