

Banking, Economy

“Fed launches 2 emergency programs last seen in 2008 crisis”

“The first, announced mid-morning, is intended to unclog a short-term lending market for what is known as “commercial paper.” Large businesses issue commercial paper, which is essentially the equivalent of an IOU, to raise cash to meet payrolls and cover… Continue Reading…

Economy, Real Estate

“U.S. Mortgage Debt Hits Record, Eclipsing 2008 Peak”

” U.S. mortgage debt reached a record in the second quarter, exceeding its 2008 peak as the financial crisis unfolded…” Debt in general is bad (unless it’s leveraged correctly) but the main problem of the 2008 housing crash was… Continue Reading…

Banking, Economy

Not Good! “Former TARP watchdog: ‘No question’ that banks will need another bailout”

“A key figure in the financial crisis is not convinced that the U.S. government has fixed its “too big to fail” problem… Barofsky told Yahoo Finance that the largest banks have only gotten larger and more interconnected than they were… Continue Reading…