Economy, Personal Finance

“Credit card CEO warns of dark times when the $600 unemployment benefit expires”

“Margaret Keane has been in the credit card business for 40 years and she’s seeing something she never expected: There’s mass unemployment, yet Americans are paying their bills on time. In normal times, that’d be good sign of financial responsibility.… Continue Reading…

Economy, Personal Finance

“10 U.S. Cities Where You Can Rent a One-Bedroom Apartment for $600 or Less”

“Youngstown, Ohio How Much For A One Bedroom? $600 a month Derby, Kansas How Much For A One Bedroom? $599 a month Amarillo, Texas How Much For A One Bedroom? $597.50 a month Conway, Arkansas How Much For A One Bedroom? $555 a month… Continue Reading…

Economy, Stocks

Stock: “Insiders are selling stock like it’s 2007”

“The leaders of Corporate America are cashing in their chips as doubts grow about the sustainability of the longest bull market in American history. Corporate insiders have sold an average of $600 million of stock per day in August, according to TrimTabs… Continue Reading…