Economy, Personal Finance

“63% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck — including nearly half of six-figure earners”

“As of September, 63% of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck, according to a recent LendingClub report — near the 64% historic high hit in March. A year ago, the number of adults who felt strained was closer to 57%. “Consumers are… Continue Reading…


“Federal Debt Tops $26 Trillion for First Time; Jumps $2 Trillion in Just 63 Days”

“The debt of the federal government topped $26 trillion for the first time on Tuesday, when it climbed from $25,960,547,920,986.11 to $26,003,751,512,344.91, according to data released today by the Treasury Department. The federal debt had topped $24 trillion for the first… Continue Reading…


“63.4%: Labor Force Participation… As Labor Force Grows by 574,000”

“…In January, the civilian non-institutional population in the United States was 259,502,000. That included all people 16 and older who did not live in an institution (such as a prison, nursing home or long-term care facility). Of that civilian non-institutional… Continue Reading…