Business, Stocks

AMC Update: 34.69 TRILLION Tokenized shares! The Amount Of Fraud Is Insane.

“Token Total Supply: 34,690,000,000,000.00 Total Token Holders: 2,933…” This blows the fraud of FTX out the water. It looks like child’s play in comparison. “Did Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX ‘Manipulate’ AMC Stock? …The Chainsaw had previously reported that it had discovered a… Continue Reading…

Economy, Precious Metals

“Central Banks And Unknown Buyers Are Scooping Up A Record Amount of Gold”

“EDITOR’S NOTE: If all you listen to is mainstream financial news, all you’ll hear about are the “fashionable” narratives that, though intriguing, may mean zilch at the end of the day. So, you heard about gold’s plunge in October in contrast to… Continue Reading…

Precious Metals

“Global Silver Demand Expected To Rise To A Record Amount In 2022”

“EDITOR’S NOTE: Good news for silver bulls. The Silver Institute is expecting fabrication, jewelry, and silverware usage to rise significantly in 2022. The industrial component represents a significant expansion in consumption as EV production gets underway. If EV and other green… Continue Reading…


“American productivity fell by the largest amount since 1960”

“US labor market productivity tanked in the third quarter. Paychecks grew and the number of hours worked jumped, but workers’ output increased only at a moderate pace.Revisions to the data that were initially published a month ago show that the productivity drop was… Continue Reading…