


Mainstream News Media Is Bleeding Cash

“Chaos, Fury Engulf Los Angeles Times in Historic Cuts to Newsroom” “…Barely 24 hours after billionaire owner Patrick Soon-Shiong imposed more than 115 job cuts, reducing about 20% of the newsroom, staffers arriving at the paper’s offices in El Segundo… Continue Reading…


“Supply chain chaos to persist through to next summer, Siemens chairman says”

“…Businesses and consumers around the world are currently facing lengthy delays on products and materials because of supply chain issues. Speaking to CNBC’s Annette Weisbach on Tuesday, Snabe said: “Right now, we have congestion primarily in the West Coast of… Continue Reading…


“Gas crisis, labor shortages and supply chain chaos… Britain faces a difficult winter”

“…A perfect storm of labor shortages, skyrocketing natural gas prices and global supply chain constraints have put the country in prime position for a difficult winter. Rising demand as economies reopen has created similar problems all over the world, but economists… Continue Reading…