
“Child poverty more than doubled in U.S. after expanded tax credits, stimulus checks ended”

“Child poverty more than doubled in the U.S. last year after financial assistance that supported families during the earlier days of the Covid-19 pandemic expired, the U.S. Census Bureau said Tuesday. The child poverty rate surged to 12.4% in 2022, up from… Continue Reading…


“New $3,000 child tax credit to start payments in July, IRS says”

“The IRS plans to begin sending monthly payments from the new $3,000 child tax credit in July, Commissioner Charles Rettig said Tuesday during a hearing with the Senate Finance Committee. The new and significantly expanded child tax credit was included in the $1.9 trillion… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance

More Than Half Of American Parents Went Over Their Summer Budgets

“A new survey from TD Ameritrade finds that 52% of parents with children under 18 spent more than they intended to this summer. The average summer debt for those parents is $1,960 this year. That compares with just $563 for… Continue Reading…