
“Trucking firm Yellow files for bankruptcy protection after loading up on debt”

“U.S. trucking firm Yellow filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Sunday, burdened with a heavy debt load after a series of mergers and following tense contract negotiations with the Teamsters Union. The bankruptcy filing in a Delaware court lists estimated assets… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“American Express profit rises, but it sets aside more money for possible defaults”

“American Express saw its profit and revenue climb in the second quarter and credit card use is rising, but the company’s stock slipped before the market open as it set aside more money for possible defaults on payments. The card… Continue Reading…


“Chicago Pension Debt Rises to $35 Billion as Mayor Hunts for Fix”

“Chicago’s pension burden climbed last year after the city’s retirement funds lost money due to volatile markets, deepening the long-standing fiscal woes for new Mayor Brandon Johnson… The amount the city owes to its four pensions that pay benefits to… Continue Reading…

Banking, Stocks

“JPMorgan’s Kolanovic Sees Stock Selloff as US Debt Talks Drag On”

“…The strategist reiterated a call to remain underweight both US and European stocks as X-date approaches, with a potential political standoff on a resolution exacerbating the already present threat of a recession — particularly if 2011’s debt event is any… Continue Reading…


“Bank of America to Lead $500 Million Debt Swap for Gabon”

“…Banks in Europe and the US are vying to play a role in structuring and arranging new debt-for-nature swaps, deals that yield fees and boost their profile in the sustainable debt market. Developing countries with valuable ecosystems are turning to… Continue Reading…


“China’s Debt-to-GDP Ratio Rises to Record 279.7% on Credit Boom”

“…The macro leverage ratio — or total debt as a percentage of gross domestic product — soared to 279.7% in the first quarter, according to central bank and statistics bureau data compiled by Bloomberg. That was an increase of 7.7… Continue Reading…


“Japan Insurer’s Plan to Sell Foreign Debt Flashes Market Warning”

“A Japanese insurer with $65 billion of assets plans to offload all its currency-hedged foreign debt holdings, foreshadowing what may become a renewed wave of selling by some of the biggest investors in global bond markets… Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance… Continue Reading…

Real Estate

“Anxiety Strikes $8 Trillion Mortgage-Debt Market After SVB Collapse”

“So-called agency mortgage bonds are widely held by banks, insurers and bond funds because they are backed by the mortgage loans from government-owned lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The bonds are far less likely to default than most debt… Continue Reading…

Economy, Personal Finance

“Credit card debt is at an all-time high, putting households near ‘breaking point,’ study shows”

“More consumers are leaning on credit cards to afford increasingly expensive necessities such as food and rent. That helped propel total credit card debt to a record $930.6 billion at the end of 2022, an 18.5% spike from a year… Continue Reading…


“The US government hit its $31.4 trillion debt ceiling — triggering fears of a nasty fallout for Americans. Here are the 3 harmful ways it could impact you”

“The U.S. officially hit its $31.4 trillion debt ceiling on Jan. 19 — launching a ticking time bomb toward a potentially “calamitous” debt default. Unable to break the political deadlock in Congress, the Treasury will now take “extraordinary measures” to… Continue Reading…