


Oil: “…crude’s spectacular plunge below $0 a barrel”

“The formerly unthinkable drop in oil prices below $0 a barrel on Monday is still reverberating through financial markets, as supply overwhelms demand destroyed by the coronavirus pandemic, forcing some energy companies into possible bankruptcy as storage reaches maximum capacity.… Continue Reading…


“Eurozone economy suffers ‘unprecedented’ collapse”

“The eurozone economy is suffering an “unprecedented” collapse according to a PMI index released Thursday by analysis firm IHS Markit… Manufacturing also saw a record fall however, because of staff and material shortages and severe supply chain disruptions. Employment plummeted… Continue Reading…


“JPMorgan Profit Sinks Nearly 70% As It Braces For Loan Defaults”

“JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s first-quarter profit tumbled 69% and the bank set aside an additional $6.8 billion to cover potential losses on loans to consumers and businesses struggling to stay afloat during the coronavirus shutdown…”

Business, Economy

“US payrolls plunge 701,000 in March amid the start of a job market collapse”

“Nonfarm payrolls dropped by 701,000 in March, according to Labor Department numbers released Friday that only begin to show the economic damage wrought by the coronavirus crisis. It was the first decline in payrolls since September 2010 and came close… Continue Reading…


“The Dow just booked the worst 1st quarter in 124 years…”

“Indeed, it has been punishing for investors, as the market went into a coronavirus-sparked free fall that has the 124-year-old Dow Jones Industrial Average registering its worst quarterly loss since the fourth quarter of 1987. The three-month skid represented the… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Empire State manufacturing index sees record decline to -21.5 in March”

“The numbers:The New York Fed’s Empire State business conditions index plunged a record 34.4 points to -21.5 in March, the regional Fed bank said Monday. Economists had expected a reading of 4.8, according to a survey by Econoday. This is the… Continue Reading…


“Stock market news… Oil crashes, stock futures crater…”

“9:49 a.m. ET: Stocks resume trading, S&P, Dow plunge anew The S&P 500 and Dow extended losses after reopening following a 15 minute halt for trading. The broader market index slid about 7.2%, or more than 200 points, while the… Continue Reading…


“Private payrolls up 183,000 as hiring shows no signs of coronavirus scare”

“U.S. companies kept adding jobs in February despite the coronavirus scare, as private payrolls expanded well above the pace that Wall Street had anticipated. Employment excluding government jobs rose by 183,000 for the month, according to a report Wednesday from… Continue Reading…


“Global stocks fall again on fear of virus impact on economy”

“Global stock markets plunged further Friday on spreading fears over the impact of the new coronavirus, with some indexes set to close out their worst week since the depths of the financial crisis in 2008. Germany’s DAX skidded as much… Continue Reading…

Banking, Economy

“10-year Treasury yield falls to three-year low… 30-year rate hits record low”

“The 10-year Treasury yield hit its lowest level since July 2016. The 30-year Treasury yield hit a record low. The move into bonds came as stocks plunged with the Dow down more than 1,000 points. The yield on the benchmark 10-year… Continue Reading…