
“Facing fines, cluttered aisles and late-night mockery, Dollar General’s returning CEO tries to drive a turnaround”

“Dollar General has gotten hit by steep fines for safety violations, slammed on late-night TV and even overruled by its own shareholders. On Thursday, CEO Todd Vasos laid out on an earnings call with investors the discounter’s plans to try to turn around both the… Continue Reading…

Banking, Economy

“The Bank of England is facing major losses on its bond purchases — and it’s set to get much worse”

“…In late July, the central bank estimated that it would require the U.K. Treasury to backstop £150 billion ($189 billion) of losses on its asset purchase facility (APF)… Raja concluded that the cost to the Treasury of indemnifying the central bank over… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“The retail industry is facing a potential wave of bankruptcies – here’s why”

“The retail industry is up against a potential wave of bankruptcies following a monthslong slowdown in restructuring activity. There could be an increase in distressed retailers beginning later this year, experts say, as ballooning prices dent demand for certain goods,… Continue Reading…