Banking, Economy

“Spending and Deficit Set All-Time Records: Feds Spent $3.3 Trillion Through April While Running $1.48 Trillion Deficit”

“The federal government has spent more money and run a larger deficit in the first seven months of fiscal 2020 (October through April) than in any previous year, according to the data published today in the Monthly Treasury Statement. In fact,… Continue Reading…

Banking, Economy

“Fed Rolls Out $2.3 Trillion Program To Stabilize Economy”

“The Federal Reserve is taking additional steps to provide up to $2.3 trillion in loans to support the economy. The money will target American households and businesses… The Fed said Thursday that it is activating a Main Street Business Lending… Continue Reading…


“Repo Market BREAKS As Dealers Run Out Of Securities To Use For Fed Funds”

“Two weeks ago, just after the Fed first announced its massive overnight and term repo operation expansion which now amounts to some $1 trillion in daily repo capacity (and before Powell expanded this bazooka to included ZIRP and unlimited QE),… Continue Reading…


“Federal Reserve Temporarily Eases Capital Requirement for Big Banks”

“The Federal Reserve is temporarily relaxing a rule that imposes additional capital requirements on deposits and Treasury securities held by the biggest U.S. banks… The decision signals a complete turnaround in money-market conditions from early March, when dislocations in interest rates indicated… Continue Reading…


“Pandemic-Related Unemployment and Shutdowns Are a Recipe for Social Unrest”

“Around the world, high unemployment and stagnant economic activity tend to lead to social unrest, including demonstrations, strikes, and other forms of potentially violent disruptions. That’s a huge concern as forecasters expect the U.S. unemployment rate in the months to… Continue Reading…

Banking, Economy

“Fed launches 2 emergency programs last seen in 2008 crisis”

“The first, announced mid-morning, is intended to unclog a short-term lending market for what is known as “commercial paper.” Large businesses issue commercial paper, which is essentially the equivalent of an IOU, to raise cash to meet payrolls and cover… Continue Reading…

Banking, Economy

“Fed says it will offer an additional $500 billion in overnight repo funding markets”

“In a mid-day announcement, the New York Fed said it willconduct a $500 billion repo operation this afternoon, another move targeted at keeping money flowing through the system. Repo involves banks putting up high-quality collateral like Treasurys in exchange for… Continue Reading…


“Fed takes emergency steps to slash rates and ease bank rules”

“The Federal Reserve took massive emergency action Sunday to try to help the economy… slashing its benchmark interest rate to near zero and saying it would buy $700 billion in Treasury and mortgage bonds. The Fed’s surprise announcement signaled its… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Empire State manufacturing index sees record decline to -21.5 in March”

“The numbers:The New York Fed’s Empire State business conditions index plunged a record 34.4 points to -21.5 in March, the regional Fed bank said Monday. Economists had expected a reading of 4.8, according to a survey by Econoday. This is the… Continue Reading…