Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

“Social Security Costs to Exceed Income in 2020, Trustees Say”

“WASHINGTON—Social Security’s costs are expected to exceed its income in 2020 for the first time since 1982, forcing the program to dip into its nearly $3 trillion trust fund to cover benefits…” If you’re young don’t count on social… Continue Reading…

Economy, Personal Finance

“Tax refunds so far this year are down by $6 billion from 2018”

“Individual tax refunds this year have been only slightly smaller than last year, but those shortfalls are adding up. At the end of last month, the amount of money the government refunded was $6 billion below this time last year,… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy, Stocks

Big Tech Companies To Be Broken Up? Anti-Trust Fight Begins

“Last month, Sen. Elizabeth Warren made headlines by releasing a plan to break up tech giants like Facebook, Google and Amazon… Americans for Prosperity, a political advocacy group backed by billionaire Charles Koch, is currently running a two-week long targeted… Continue Reading…

Investing, Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments, Stocks

My Stock Portfolio Revisited

One month later and I broke even. Above is a prime example why its a good idea to have around at least 6 or 7 stocks. Never put all your eggs in one basket. If I had I most likely… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Cut, cut, cut the debt

A debt problem is a major problem. No matter how much a persons makes if they spend more than they take in they’ll never attain financial freedom. This is, or should be common knowledge so why are so many people… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Hole In Your Wallet? Avoid Impulse Buys At All Cost

Do you often find yourself with no money to spare? When you go to a store or an outlet do you leave with more than you expected? If the answer to both of these questions is yes you have a… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Want To Save Money? Create A Budget.

Financial responsibility plays a huge role in a persons financial well being. This tactic is extremely effective yet its amazing how many people neglect this advice. Do yourself a favor. Start a budget. Also stick to the budget. That’s just… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Beginner Tip: Apply What You Learn

You may have heard there is no such thing as “get rich quick.” There isn’t but there is a such thing as getting rich quicker. What that means is there are ways to acquire wealth more quickly. How quickly this… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Quality Of Life Tip: Carry $100 In Cash At All Times

This is an extremely good tip I read about a while ago. The point is to have immediate funds in case of any problems or emergency. What if there’s a problem and no ATM’s are around? What if a place… Continue Reading…

Investing, Personal Finance

Into The Stock Market: Head First

For better or worse I’ve always been the type of person that disregards strategic maneuvers and tackles situations head on. I’ve always had a slight interest in the stock market and I see no time better than the present to… Continue Reading…